Nature's Sports Car -by David Rives

Nature’s Sports Car -by David Rives


The fastest land animal in the world makes its home on the Savannahs in Africa alongside elephants, hippos, and rhinos. A very small population of a sub-species also lives in eastern Iran. That mammal, of course, is the Cheetah.

This Cheetah is famous for its speed. While hunting it can reach top speeds of 45 to 70 miles per hour in just three seconds. Even though they’re the fastest, their prey is often able to escape because antelope and gazelle can change direction very quickly and have greater stamina than a Cheetah’s short bursts.

Cheetahs always look like they’re crying but that dark tear mark, called a malar stripe, serves a useful purpose. It attracts sunlight and keeps the sun’s glare out of the Cheetah’s eyes. The long tail of the Cheetah serves as a rudder and their semi-non-retractable claws act as cleats, giving them extra grip. Everything about them is streamlined for speed.

Due to habitat loss, Cheetahs, like most African mammals, are endangered with only a few thousand remaining in the wild. Cheetahs produce more offspring than other cats, but many of their babies become food for lions, hyenas, or other African predators.

As many as 90% of Cheetah kittens won’t make it past three months of age due to predators and death from illnesses. Cheetahs don’t have much genetic diversity so they often have weak immune systems.

Cheetahs probably belong to the cat kind, along with lions, cougars, tigers, bobcats, house cats, and more. But researchers aren’t quite sure if they do because there isn’t good evidence of interbreeding with other cats. It could be that they belong to their own kind or that they’re members of the cat kind. More research will have to be done to figure out for sure.

But what we do know is that Cheetahs bear testimony to their Designer who built them for speed and who delights in what he has made.

I’m David Rives…Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God.


Check out this brand new book title in the Creation Superstore

The Wonder of Science Book
The Wonder of Science Book

The Wonder of Science book is a beautifully illustrated critique of the current arguments used in support of evolution, both in education and in the popular media. Authored by Dominic Statham, with input from the following consultant editors: Geoff Barnard Ph.D., M.A. (theol.), Alessio Bernardelli B.Sc., PGCertEd., Nick Cowan M.A. (Cantab.), PGCertEd., Matti Leisola D.Sc., John Matthews B.Sc., Ph.D., Jonathan Sarfati Ph.D., William Worraker B.Sc., Ph.D.

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Founder of Creation magazine (since 1978) Dr Carl Wieland commends Wonder of Science as follows:

Author Dominic Statham is uniquely skilled at presenting the facts and fascination of science in a way that is both crystal clear and enjoyable, yet without ‘dumbing down’. Middle-school students and above—and perhaps particularly their parents and teachers—will find The Wonder of Science super-helpful, as well as highly informative, with ‘digging deeper’ sections for higher ages and abilities. The author’s calm, non-argumentative style encourages and equips readers to dispassionately weigh up the evidence on origins from opposing viewpoints. It makes clear why biblical Christianity and its creation corollary are foundational to modern science itself. In short—just brilliant!


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  1. cheetahs are so amazing! I would like to hear more about them, how God designed their spine, etc. Missed seeing you on TBN last Saturday, Oct 6? God bless you all and all your hard work to share the Lord’s amazing and ingenious creation! in Christ’s Care, jj

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