Buddy Davis Wonders 4 Video Bundle

This video set includes T. Rex: King of the Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs; Terrible Lizards of the Bible, It Didn’t Happen By Chance, and Amazing Animals of the Ice Age.


ID: bdw4vb


Buddy Davis Wonders 4 Video Bundle

T. Rex: King Of The Dinosaurs

T. rex! One of the most famous dinosaurs in history is about to get a bit more personal. What was the creature like? How long ago did it live and was this animal really as big as they say it was? Buddy Davis is an adventurer, a paleo-artist and sculptor, a musician, and a speaker for Answers In Genesis. No matter your ‘age’, prepare to be amazed as Buddy Davis shares the truth about these fascinating creatures!

Click here to check out I Dig Dinosaurs Video with Buddy Davis

Dinosaurs! Terrible Lizards of the Bible

Learn cool facts about dinosaurs and how they fit perfectly into God’s Word! Dive into the topic of dinosaurs and learn how scientific discoveries fit perfectly in the Bible in Dinosaurs! Terrible Lizards of the Bible Along the way, get answers to some of the most asked dinosaurs questions. Buddy Davis is an adventurer, a paleo-artist and sculptor, a musician, and a speaker for Answers In Genesis. No matter your ‘age’, prepare to be amazed as Buddy Davis shares the truth about these fascinating creatures!

It Didn’t Happen By Chance!

We are about to look at design in a very unique way in It Didn’t Happen By Chance! Video.

If you see a beautiful deer standing in a clearing, or a dragonfly lighting on a flower, it didn’t happen by chance!

How do you make a life-size dinosaur sculpture? Does is take a designer? Could a real dinosaur come about without a Designer? Buddy Davis is an adventurer, a paleo-artist and sculptor, a musician, and a speaker for Answers In Genesis. No matter your ‘age’, prepare to be amazed as Buddy Davis shares the truth about these fascinating creatures!

Amazing Animals Of The Great Ice Age

What conditions would it take to produce an Ice Age? In, Amazing Animals Of The Great Ice Age, you will learn about Giant beavers, sabre-tooth tigers, mammoths, and a whole lot more. What is the Ice Age, and how does it fit with the Biblical history? The answers that you find to these questions may surprise you, as you watch this exciting 30 minute program. Buddy Davis is an adventurer, a paleo-artist and sculptor, a musician, and a speaker for Answers In Genesis. No matter your ‘age’, prepare to be amazed as Buddy Davis shares the truth about these fascinating creatures!

Additional information

Weight 11.5 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.25 × 2 in


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