Information: Evolution’s Missing Link by David Rives & Dr. Ed Boudreaux & Dr. John DeMassa | Wonders Without Number Video

Learn of evolution’s missing link in Information: Evolution’s Missing Link Video with David Rives, Dr. Ed Boudreaux & Dr. John DeMassa.




Information: Evolution’s Missing Link

Can nothing create information to make something? If not, what happens to the theory of evolution? Where did life come from? What IS life? Could it have arisen from a primordial soup or does science support the Bible’s claims of special creation? Learn of evolution’s missing link.

“Not only do the chemicals have to be in place to form the cell, but the basic building blocks like the amino acids… They have to come into being in some kind of way.” – Dr. Ed Boudreaux

“What we see is another theory and another theory, and this is what we’ve seen over 80 years… We see a succession of new theories that are saying the previous one didn’t work. – Dr. John DeMassa

“The very geometry of the components becomes a very critical issue in the function of a cell.” – Dr. Ed Boudreaux

Dr. Ed Boudreaux was Professor of Chemistry and Chemical and Chemical Physics at University of New Orleans, and former president of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. John DeMassa earned his Ph.D in Organic Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts and is an Industrial Chemist holding multiple US and World Patents.

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