Island of the Gods follows the homeschooling missionaries Mike and Libby and their four sons to the rich but challenging culture of Bali, Indonesia!
Wherever Morgan and his brothers turn, Hindu and Buddhist influences are evident. Temples and statues to the Balinese gods, ancestors, and animals abound. The people of Bali worship creation instead of the Creator, and as the brothers set out to understand and explain the rituals, their curiosity nearly gets them in trouble.
Bali’s elaborate temples, ritual dances, and traditions reveal a deep need for the creation-based gospel of Jesus the Creator and Savior! An eye-opening, family friendly look at a major world religion. So get your family together, and have your discussion guide ready, to fully enjoy an adventure you will never forget!
Island of the Gods
- Format: DVD
- Length: 30 minutes
- Ages: All ages
- Includes optional English subtitles
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